It takes a community part 3: The business sponsor

JanetteIt takes a community to create the magic of Holiday Bike Drive. This winter, we are featuring profiles of community members who are pitching in to throw the most heartwarming bicycle event of the year.

So far you’ve met bicycle donor Tara and donor/fundraiser Jim. Please allow us to introduce you to long-time business supporter Janette Kaden of the Tin Shed Garden Café.

The Tin Shed, under Janette’s guidance, has donated food for the Holiday Bike Drive for four out of the past five years. The comfort food that inspires lines down the block at the Tin Shed helps to nourish and show appreciation to Community Cycling Center supporters and volunteers amidst the wonderful hubbub of the big day.

What does the Holiday Bike Drive mean to you?
The Holiday Bike Drive means Christmas to me. My family all live in other parts of the country, so Christmas tends to lack some spirit…until I go to the Holiday Bike Drive and I get enough Christmas spirit to get me through the holiday season and a bit more.

Tell us about your first bicycle.
I got my first bike for Christmas when I was in 5th or 6th grade. It was purple and sparkly with a banana seat and a sissy bar with a tall flag. I can see it like it was yesterday. I loved that bike.

Why do you support the Community Cycling Center? What inspires you to give?
Because you are our neighbors and the kids are our neighbors, and that’s what neighbors do.

Tell us about your experiences at past Holiday Bike Drives.
It’s such a treat to watch the kids all lined up, anxiously waiting. Hundreds of them! I’m always so impressed with how organized and smoothly everything happens; the kids line up and get fitted for a free helmet, then they browse through row upon row of bikes until that special bike catches their eye, they then get fitted for the bike and are out the opposite door with a big smile on their face. It’s truly amazing and heartwarming.

We are so grateful to local businesses that make donations to support the Holiday Bike Drive! Their support helps us to create the warm and festive atmosphere of this giant holiday party. This year, in addition to the Tin Shed, we will receive in-kind support from Bob’s Red Mill, Tazo Tea, Organics to You, Russell St. BBQ, Great Harvest, Hot Lips Pizza, Nossa Familia Coffee, and Caruso Produce.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786