Save the Community Cycling Center!

Phase Two of the Emergency Save the CCC Campaign: Raise $54,297 by November 1st

We’re grateful to announce that, thanks to the incredible success of surpassing our initial fundraising goal, we can now move forward with a smaller target for the next few months. But we need to continue being honest about where we stand. Last month’s fundraiser prevented us from shutting down operations completely, but like any business, we need stability to secure our future.

Imagine it like a “fire danger” level—right now, we went from Extreme to High. Without a safety net, we remain vulnerable to potential closure.

We’re asking for your partnership to change that by helping us reach our next level of safety: the Moderate Level. Together, we can lower the “danger level” and build a stronger, sustainable future for the Community Cycling Center. While our total fundraising goal of $349,000 remains the same, we are still urgently seeking ongoing donations from October 1st to December 31st. These contributions are essential to help us cover basic operational costs, ensuring we can keep our shop doors open and programs running. At the same time, they will allow us to be in a position to begin building reserves for a financial safety cushion that will protect us during uncertain times.

To help the Community Cycling Center achieve their November 1st goal of reaching the Moderate Level, we need to raise an additional $54,297. To illustrate the expenses required to complete our work, it costs $250 to connect one person to a bike and bike education who would otherwise not have access to it.

The $250 expense covers:

  • Cleaning and refurbishing a donated bike, including any parts that need to be replaced,
  • The labor of sourcing donated safety accessories such as new helmets, new locks, water bottles and winter riding gear,
  • The labor of creating bike education curriculum,
  • The labor of collaborating with community partners to identify individuals in need of our programs,
  • And the labor of delivering both bike, helmet and the education itself.

By helping us reach our $54,297 goal, you’re investing in the Community Cycling Center’s ability to bring bikes and bike education to 217 more people throughout the Portland metropolitan area.

As we move forward after reaching our first milestone, we want to keep you updated on the changes we’re already making to strengthen the Community Cycling Center and build trust within our community.
  • Reduced Administrative Overhead: We’ve successfully cut administrative costs in half by consolidating roles and choosing not to fill recently vacated leadership positions, allowing us to focus more resources on our core mission.
  • Maximizing Our Bike Shop’s Strengths: We continue to excel in refurbishing bicycles and offering affordable options, and we will be leaning on this strength. We’ve hosted successful fire sales, increased promotion of our current bike inventory, and made our offerings visible online, with plans to enable direct sales through our website. While our membership model will remain a small feature of the bike shop, it will not be the primary source of income; instead, we will continue to focus on building our service and sales departments.
  • Right-Sizing Staff Hours: To prepare for the winter season, we are strategically adjusting staff hours. Seasonal and regular staff are given ample time to plan for upcoming hour reductions, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Commitment to Ongoing Transparency: We’re dedicated to keeping the community informed through regular open houses, detailed newsletters, and video updates. We’re also making ourselves more accessible by offering open lines of communication to the public.
  • Strengthening Community Partnerships: We’ve taken concrete steps to secure mentorship and support during this pivotal time. Our Executive Director has been meeting regularly with a leadership coach to help guide our strategy, and we are launching committees composed of volunteers with specific expertise in areas like finance, technology, and fundraising. Additionally, we are reaching out to our government partners to negotiate contracts, with a focus on reducing reimbursement time periods to improve our cash flow.

We believe the Community Cycling Center is worth saving because it goes beyond simply providing bikes—it empowers people, strengthens communities, and fosters sustainable transportation in Portland. By broadening access to bicycling, the Community Cycling Center gives individuals—especially those from underserved communities—an affordable, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to get around.

Bicycling promotes physical well-being, reduces transportation costs, and connects people to jobs, education, joy, community and essential services. Our work in bike education equips people with the skills and confidence to navigate their neighborhoods safely, creating a lasting impact. By partnering with local organizations, the Community Cycling Center reaches those most in need, transforming lives through mobility and independence. Saving the Community Cycling Center means continuing this vital work to ensure that everyone, regardless of income or background, can enjoy the benefits of bicycling.

Thank you to all who have invested thus far, and to those who choose to invest going forward as we forge ahead into Phase 2 of our Emergency Save the CCC Campaign!


September 9th Announcement

CCC Financial Overview Document


Donate Today!


Thank you!

Donations by cash or check make the greatest impact because online giving requires the Community Cycling Center to pay processing fees. You can mail or drop off your cash or check donation at the bike shop:

Community Cycling Center
1700 NE Alberta
Portland, OR 97211

Our nonprofit tax ID number is 93-1127186. All financial contributions receive a thank you note that also serves as your donation receipt. If you have any questions regarding donations please contact

Connect with Us

Hours: Open Wednesday-Friday 11AM-7PM & Saturday/Sunday 12PM-5PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786