Do you fix the bikes before selling them?

Yes! We ensure every used bike we sell is in good working order before we offer it for sale. Safety and functionality are our top priorities. Occasionally we sell bikes with parts that are partially worn but still entirely safe and functional. When this is the case, we make note of it on the bike along with an estimate of how much the repair will cost when it’s needed.

What kind of bikes do you sell?

There is a huge variation in the used bikes we sell–make, model, style, age, quality, price–no two used bikes are the same. The range of prices of our used bikes reflect this variation as well.

Do you resell department store bikes?

The brand name of a bicycle won’t stop us from reselling it, but the quality might. Safety and functionality is our top priority. If we’re able to make a bike safe and functional we will gladly sell it at a price that reflects it’s value.

How do you determine the price of your bikes?

There are a lot of different factors that go into pricing a bicycle. The quality, condition, age, collectibility, utility, and knowledge of the current resale market all contribute to our pricing decisions.

What’s the difference between the bikes you sell and the lower-priced bikes on Craigslist?

Craigslist and other resale marketplaces are great places to find deals if you know what you’re looking for, and know what to look out for. We want you to be happy with your new bike, no matter where you buy it! More often than not, bikes purchased second-hand will require additional repairs to make them safe, reliable, and functional. It’s a huge bummer when those additional costs are a surprise. Our used bikes are ready to ride with no hidden additional costs.

Do you accept trade-ins?

We do not.  Because we are a non-profit we can only accept donations.  If you’d like to donate your old bike check out our Donate A Bike page for more information.

Do you have a warranty on your used bikes?

We do not.  But we do stand behind our work.  If you buy a used bike from us that ends up having performance issues, bring it by for our mechanics to assess.  If it looks like we did anything wrong, we’ll take care of it for you ASAP.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786