Introducing Our 2019 Camp Team!

Andrew, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: New York
Favorite bike ride: Big Sauvie Island loops including Skyline
Favorite way to spend a weekend: Long bike ride, eating, skateboarding
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Being able to spend time on my bike with people who also love cycling/getting young people excited about bikes.

Brenna, Camp Supervisor
Grew up in: Minneapolis, MN
Favorite bike ride: I just love biking across the many bridges over the river
Favorite way to spend a weekend: Playing ultimate frisbee or cooking something elaborate
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Questions, reflections and funny comments from kids at camp.

Brigid, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Portland, OR
Favorite snack: PB & J Gone Gourmet Trail Mix
Favorite bike ride: Mount Doom, obviously! I also love bringing friends that don’t bike as much with me to the Sunday Parkways every year.
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Spending every summer day outside exploring Portland parks!

Caroline, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Orange County, CA
Favorite bike ride right now: Waterfront Park because it is my commute right now
Favorite book from their childhood: Judy B Jones
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Having fun relationships with the kids and laughs.

Cass, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Virginia
Favorite bike ride right now: Trying to find that at camp this year!
Favorite book from their childhood: The Giving Tree
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Meeting people that love to have fun with kiddos and love to bike

Graciela, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Minneapolis, MN
Favorite color: Gold
Favorite childhood book: Blueberries for Sal
Favorite snack: tangerine
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Working outside with kids, teaching bike safety, getting people excited about bikes!

Jake, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Ridgefield, WA
Favorite bike ride right now: From his house to Mt Tabor!
Next location on the travel bucket list: New Zealand
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Biking in the sun, spending more time with community members, and teaching proper bike safety protocols to the next wave of young cyclists!

Kelley, Camp Manager
Grew up in: We were a military family so we moved a lot – Japan, California, and finally Oregon
Favorite Childhood Book: Momo, Flossie & the Fox
Favorite bike ride: to Champoeg State Park via Oregon City and Canby
Next Location on the travel bucket list: Alaska!
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: I’m excited to see the instructor team get to know each other and learn from each other.

Kevin, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Lebanon, OR
Favorite Childhood Book: Calvin & Hobbes
Favorite bike ride: Up and down Mt. Tabor
Next Location on the travel bucket list: Europe
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: I am most excited about creating a week of bike fun for kids and getting to be outside and active all summer.

Maddeline, Assistant Camp Manager
Grew up in: Houston, Texas and Rome, Georgia
Favorite Childhood Book: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Favorite bike ride: Fruita, Colorado
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Seeing all the kids’ smiling faces.

Mike, Lead Instructor
Grew up in: State College, PA
Favorite Childhood Book: Phantom Tollbooth
Favorite bike ride: To many good ones to choose from but probably anywhere with someone in my family.
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Discovering Portland through the eyes of campers!

Nat, Lead Instructor
Grew up in: Sacramento, CA
Favorite Childhood Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Favorite PDX Bike Ride: Gateway Green
Favorite way to spend a weekend: What’s a weekend?
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Seeing kids have fun on bikes

Nava, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: New York City
Favorite childhood book: A Mango-Shaped Space
Favorite way to spend a weekend: Backpacking with some good friends…or playing ultimate frisbee. Tough to choose!
Favorite bike ride: Biking to the Skidmore Bluffs to watch the sunset.
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Learning and growing as a person and a biker with young folks!

Thomas, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Oregon
Favorite Color: Amethyst
Favorite childhood book: The Hobbit
Favorite way to spend a weekend: Frisbee tournament

Tighe, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Portland, OR
Favorite Bike Ride in PDX: Up Leif Erikson, Down Germantown Road
Favorite way to spend a weekend: Bikepacking in the Cascades or Coast Range
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: I am most excited to get young folks absolutely stoked about riding their bicycles.

Will, Camp Instructor
Grew up in: Portland, OR
Favorite Childhood Book: Go Dog Go
Favorite way to spend a weekend: With close friends at a diner or watching a movie.
What are you most excited about working at camp this summer?: Getting to ride bikes all summer!