Next Tuesday at 15th Ave Hophouse: Raise a glass and help us out
By Breesa Culver, Development Manager
It’s that time of year when comfort food is called for and what better way to enjoy it than when proceeds from your meal support a cause you believe in?
On October 30th, Fifteenth Avenue Hophouse will donate 15% of their sales between the hours of 6 and 9 pm to the Community Cycling Center. In addition to a serious selection of brews, they also offer more tasty pub food than you can shake a wrench at.
So come, hang out with us, give your body what it wants right now (in my case, that’s mac and cheese and fries), and support our work broadening access to bicycling!
What: Fundraiser for the Community Cycling Center
Where: Fifteenth Ave. Hophouse, 1517 NE Brazee
When: 6-9 pm