Our Plan in Response to Portland Public School’s Schedule Update

The Community Cycling Center is an organization that values both summer camp and education, and we recognize that our campers have varying schedules and circumstances. Portland Public School’s recent schedule update in response to making up this years snow days has created a conflict with our first two days of camp, June 10th and 11th. In an effort to best serve our camp families, we have decided to offer a few different options for our first week of camp, that is, the week of June 10-15.

  • Proceed with a 5-day camp week. Our staff will be at our Alberta and Sellwood locations facilitating bike camp as usual. We’ll see you on Monday!
  • Attend camp from Wednesday to Friday and get a partial refund at the end of the week. We will refund for Monday and Tuesday if your child is attending school those days. Issuing refunds at the end of the week will allow some flexibility for your family to choose the option that’s best for your child up until June 10th. We will hold an additional first day check-in on Wednesday.
    Please Note: We will only prorate tuition for campers that are unable to attend camp on Monday and Tuesday, based on the PPS schedule conflict. We will not refund Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday absences for this week.

    We highly recommend that families registering with friends reach out to one another and plan together before making a final decision. We will also send out an additional email to all registrants of the June 10th camp prior to Memorial Day weekend to get a better idea of how many campers we can expect on Monday.

    Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigate the adventures of summer camp. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you also for being a part of our greater Community Cycling Center family. We appreciate your continued support in broadening access to bicycling and it’s benefits!

    The Camp Team

    Connect with Us

    Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

    Phone: 503.287.8786