The Community Cycling Center Goes to Washington

Earlier this month, Alison Graves, our Director of Community & Programs, attended the National Bike Summit in Washington, DC, as part of the proud Oregon delegation. As one of the oldest bicycle nonprofits in the country, we had much to share about how our programs are helping promote individual and community health.

People across the country are turning to the Community Cycling Center to learn more about how bicycles can be used to increase community health and strengthen neighborhood ties. In the last week alone we have received requests for information on our programs from Chicago, Corvallis, and Salt Lake City. It was nice to be recognized by so many people from across the country for our pioneering programs, from Create a Commuter to Bike Camp.

While visiting congressional offices with the rest of the Oregon delegation, Alison talked about how the Community Cycling Center has felt a groundswell of need among a very diverse community of people seeking to become safer bicyclists.

We are thrilled to see the energy for bicycles on our nation’s capital. It’s also in the press, with more articles popping up about the cost-effectiveness of going by bike instead of in cars, the willingness of more experienced riders to help newbies in the bike lanes, and the gradual normalization of choosing pedal-powered transportation.

Check out BikePortland’s day-by-day coverage of the Summit here.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786