Transportation Trivia Night: Round 2

Transportation Trivia Night - March 20, 2013By Noel Mickelberry, Development Coordinator

Our second Transportation Trivia Night fundraiser was tougher, rowdier and more successful than we could have imagined.

For those of you who haven’t been to one of our Transportation Trivia Nights, trust us when we say: when you get a bunch of transportation wonks in one room, things get wild. Questions on signal timing, bridge ratings, and transit modes in pop culture had teams howling. The Radio Room was so packed they opened one of their garage doors so that the standing-room-only crowd could spill out onto the patio.

We really can’t thank last night’s attendees enough for coming out to put their transportation knowledge to the test and support our work to create a healthier, more sustainable and more equitable community. Following an impassioned appeal by our amazing host, Peter Koonce, the teams sponsored 13 kids at Holiday Bike Drive. Incredible!

For all of our contestants who are patiently waiting for their team’s final scores – here they are:

Our winner – after three tie breakers – was Chicken Fried Bicycle with 26 points out of a possible 33.

Vulnerable Roadway Musers 25
Vertical Deflection 24
Hot Toddies (Transportation Oriented Divas) 23
CRC shells down by the sea shore 23
Long queues & speed humps 23
The PED-Antics 21
Clackamas County: Pioneers of a New Yesteryear 21
Catenaries in the Coal Mine 21
The Wet Sox 20
Roads Scholars 20
Cycletrack All Stars – We’re ready to Rumblestrip 19
Terror of Demonstorm: World Gone Bad 18
Bikes 2 Meet U 16
Mother Mudrucking Multi Modal Mavens 16
The Children of Clifton 16
Don’t even TRY to Cyclocross Us! 14
Wheelsuckers 13
Streetcars Named Desire 13
Dropout BC with your Freakout 13

The Best Team Name prize went to Roads Scholars. Clever, you guys.

Again, we want to thank Ninkasi for donating beer and the Radio Room for graciously hosting us, providing gift cards for each round, and contributing 10% of the evening’s sales to support our mission.

A special thank you to all the local businesses and organizations who donated awesome prizes.


Filmed by Bike
North St. Bags

Portland Design Works

Portland Streetcar

Trailhead Coffee Roasters

Western Bike Works

View the Facebook photo album here or check out the Flickr slideshow below:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786