Big changes coming to the bike shop

We’ve been bursting at the seams of the bike shop for a long time. We can’t really say it’s a bad thing- we just have so much we want to do, and only so much space in which to do it. But last year our neighbors at Oregon Tradeswomen moved away to a bigger office, and we were able to begin renting the space at 1714 NE Alberta, two doors down from our shop. We’re very excited about the changes you’ll be seeing at the shop during the next few months.

Our original shop at 17th and Alberta will soon feel a lot bigger! We’re taking down two walls that partitioned off our old office space. This will allow us to expand our service area and offer more accessories. When you walk in the front door, the service counter will be directly to your right. We think this will make the shop feel much more open and welcoming.

We are in the process of renovating the space at 1714 for several uses. Last week the Oregon Tradeswomen took down a partition in the back of the room and started building workbenches. They will be back to finish the job this week. Soon we will be using the space to construct more bikes for programs like the Holiday Bike Drive, Bike Club and Create a Commuter. We’ve also set up a number of workstations in the back for staff, which we’re calling the shoffice.

Thank you so much to all our volunteers and staff that have put their time into this project. All of their talent and vision has made the process very smooth. Stop by and check it all out soon!

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786