Create a Commuter Empowers 15 Adults at Humboldt Gardens

Create a Commuter - HumboltOn October 29th we held a Create a Commuter workshop at the Home Forward Humboldt building in North Portland. We had an awesome group of 15 adults come together from different workforce training programs through their housing program. Many of them knew each other beforehand, and arrived together, creating an immediate sense of camaraderie.

The weather was perfect, and we were able to take the entire group on a ride to our bike shop at 17th and Alberta, from Humboldt at N. Vancouver and N. Alberta. It was a 3-mile round trip, with a break at the bike shop for a tour and lots of high fives. The participants really loved seeing the production space, and thanked all of the mechanics who were there working on repairs. It was great to see how committed these new cyclists already were, and many of them asked right away how they could volunteer at Community Cycling Center.

We had a blast putting the bikes on the TriMet rack, and everyone appreciated the chance to practice without the pressure of a real bus driver, just our volunteer Zac pretending to be a hilarious driver, and asking them all for double fare.

One of our former Create a Commuter participants and Bike Club instructors, Egbevado, came to the workshop to help out, and he offered to ride everyone from St Johns and New Columbia back to their homes after the Create a Commuter workshop. They assembled a bike train and all rode home together!

To view additional photos from this workshop, please click here.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786