Mount Doom, Columbia Park, derailleurs – oh my! Bike Camp is here

By Melinda Musser, Communications & Marketing Manager

Our summer Bike Camps launched last week with 48 campers convening at our bike shop at 9am on Monday morning. On Friday, we caught up with Lucia, daughter of Susana Pacheco, a member of Andando en Bicicletas en Cully at Hacienda. You may remember Lucia, as she is featured in Susana’s Ride Leader video. Lucia is 10 years old and participated in our Cruisers Bike Camp. According to her instructor, by the end of the week Lucia felt confident enough to volunteer as the line leader for her camp.

Here’s Lucia’s thoughts:

What was the farthest place you biked to during camp? Did you see any new parts of Portland?

We went to Columbia Park. We went far. I liked going over the freeway bridge!

Did you learn any new games?

I liked the water bottle game – someone has a bottle and they try to get the bottle to the other side. We also played “Everybody Is It” – a tag game.

What was the most challenging part of Bike Camp?

The hardest part was going up Mount Doom [NE 17th Ave / Fremont]. It’s a mountain. First we went down Mount Death [Ne 18th] to a park, then up Mount Doom.

What was your favorite part of Bike Camp?

Riding and meeting new people.

What did you learn during Bike Camp?

I learned how to fix a flat tire, how to clean a bike, about the derailleur, and about different parts of a bike.

Is there anything you’re excited to share with your mom that you learned in Bike Camp?

How to move a derailleur.

Do you want to go to Bike Camp next year?


It’s not too late to sign up your kid for Bike Camp. There are still some spots available. Click here to learn more.

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Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786