Old Spaghetti Factory Raises $9,500 for Holiday Bike Drive

Every year, we engage volunteer groups from over twenty area businesses in cleaning bicycles destined for the Holiday Bike Drive. It’s an energetic, team-building activity, and many groups come back year after year to polish bikes for kids and have fun getting their hands dirty. We work hard to make these activities rewarding and well-organized, and encourage our business supporters to keep our volunteer program strong by providing an accompanying donation with their group.

Over the past three years, the Old Spaghetti Factory has taken this idea further than we ever could have imagined. Old Spaghetti Factory has been a supporter for quite some time, bringing in over 30 staff for an autumnal volunteer day. When we suggested an accompanying donation, their marketing team came up with the idea of offering a coupon for free breadsticks to every customer who donates $1 or more to the Community Cycling Center.

Over the past three years, this campaign has been wildly successful. In 2009, their four area stores raised $2,170, and the number jumped to $6,700 last year. And over the course of this October, Old Spaghetti Factory customers donated a whopping $9,500 to the Community Cycling Center!

It has truly been a win-win situation, inspiring thousands to donate and, of course, head back to the restaurant for another meal. Later this month, Old Spaghetti Factory will be bringing in their annual volunteer crew, and we’re looking forward to celebrating their success (and cleaning tiny, adorable bikes) together.

The Holiday Bike Drive wouldn’t be possible without this type of generous, creative support from our community, and we want to offer our deepest thanks to Chris Hein, Kim Davidson and all the Old Spaghetti Factory staff and customers who had a hand in this amazing contribution.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786