Spring after-school programs wrap up

From March through May, the Community Cycling Center worked with dozens of program partners to offer after-school programs in North, Northeast, and Southeast Portland.

All of the programs organized bicycle rides through local neighborhoods while teaching safe riding skills. Some clubs were earn-a-bike programs specifically targeted to serve children who could not otherwise afford a bicycle. One program was an exciting new collaboration with another local nonprofit, Growing Gardens, which offered a comprehensive curriculum including nutrition, fitness, gardening and safe biking!

In just two months 149 children ages 9 to 12 completed after-school programs in 15 schools. We couldn’t be more proud of our graduates! In our earn-a-bike programs, 92 kids earned their own bicycles and helmets.

Between time spent joshing with their classmates, fixing flat tires, and riding around their neighborhoods, these kids learned the rules of the road, route planning, and basic bicycle maintenance. They also visited a number of cool Portland destinations, such as Mt. Tabor, the Springwater Corridor, Ladd’s Addition, Willshire Park, and Fernhill Park.

Hanging out with a bunch of kids (and teaching valuable life skills) sound like fun? We are always looking for volunteer support for our youth programs. Contact Neal@CommunityCyclingCenter.org for more info.

pedal power — route planning

tabor ride end of year group photo


bike club


bike club

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786