Volunteer Spotlight: Lucas Balzer

By Randi Orth, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator

We know Lucas is in the building because somewhere nearby there is laughter. Wherever we find him, he is all energy and enthusiasm; his positivity is infectious. Over the years, Lucas has helped on Tuesday Drop-in Nights, as a Certified Holiday Bike Drive Mechanic. But that is just the beginning of Lucas’ commitment to the Community Cycling Center.

Lucas, a talented photographer, has snapped beautifully candid photos at our community bike events. As an expert on anything that has ever happened with web-based design, Lucas has been invaluable in working with our marketing and communications team to make our website run as smoothly as it does, while helping us troubleshoot problems. Additionally, he assisted our winter fundraising campaign by designing an adorable mail appeal last year.

One time, I even asked Lucas, to organize a pile of 40 bikes by color and that was the happiest I had ever seen him. And then it was the saddest I had ever seen him when I told him I was just kidding…but we admire his dedication.

How long have you been volunteering?

I’ve been at the Community Cycling Center coming up on 2 years. I started at Tuesday drop-in night as I imagine a lot of volunteers do, and found myself working with some really great folks on a really important program. It just stuck!

Why do you volunteer here?

I really believe in the Community Cycling Center’s mission of broadening access to bicycling. Getting onto a bike has so many benefits for everyone, not just the biker.

What sort of volunteer work do you do?

In the real world, I work as a graphic designer, photographer, and web developer. I feel lucky that I really love what I do. Also, I think the Community Cycling Center feels really lucky that I love what I do, also. I’ve been coming less frequently to Tuesday Drop-in nights and been working more with the Community Cycling Center in the realm of graphic design, photography, and website support. I worked with Breesa Culver, Development Manger, to design the recent fund drive mailer ask, with Melinda Musser, Communications and Marketing Manager, to upgrade the software that runs the website, and with all the rest of the staff photographing various outreach programs. I also love dealing with the public, and try to help out at Get Lit! events as often as I can.

What is your favorite Community Cycling Center program?

So hard to choose… I love them all! I think that the Holiday Bike Drive  is so important to creating positive bike experiences at a young age, to creating future bikers. But I also think that Create a Commuter  does a lot to break through adults’ barriers to riding bikes. Repair outreach programs empower people to get back on bikes. Maybe the most important program at Community Cycling Center is the organization as a whole!

What is your dream bike?

Well, it has two wheels and it goes. My nightmare is not biking!

What do you like to do when you’re not here?

Wake up, bike to work, bike to lunch, bike home, bike to play, bike home, go to sleep. I’m not really sure what I do in between those things…

Thank you, Lucas, for your continued dedication to the Community Cycling Center!

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786