Welcome new board members

Please join us in welcoming three new Community Cycling Center board members: Wendy Lear, Kathryn Sofich, and Sarah Bailen Smith. These bicycling and public health champions will join our existing board of eight to help guide our work to make bicycling more accessible and to improve community health.

Wendy is the Business Services Director at Multnomah County Health Department. She is passionate about addressing the root causes of health inequity, including racism and social injustice. Wendy says that she is most excited to “see how together we can make the personal health benefits of biking and the biking infrastructure—bike lanes, Sunday Parkways, bike to school/work programs—available and relevant to everyone in Portland.”

Kathryn is the Council Policy Coordinator for Metro where she works closely with Metro Councilors Rex Burkholder and Rod Park. She is excited to help us strengthen the connections between community health, sustainability, and active transportation. Kathryn became interested in the Community Cycling Center’s work through her participation on the Health & Equity Working Group as part of the Portland Bicycle Master Plan update.

Sarah is the Assistant Director of the Providence Bridge Pedal. Sarah believes that “Nurturing a feeling of safety through increased bicycling education and riding opportunities are key elements to creating a more livable community.”

We are thrilled to benefit from the thoughtful counsel of our newest board members.

Connect with Us

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786