Highlights from ABC and We All Can Ride’s presentation at OATS


By Melinda Musser, Communications & Marketing Manager
Translations of ABC Member quotes by Lale Santelices, Collaborations Manager

Members of Andando en Bicicletas en Cully (ABC) and We All Can Ride  spoke about their work in north and northeast Portland at this week’s Oregon Active Transportation Summit (OATS) in Portland. Here are a few highlights from their presentations:


“In the Latino community the incentive to participate and get involved in community affairs often times comes from parents desire to focus on their children’s education. It is particularly important to instill values, such as living an active lifestyle, from a young age. The outreach approach that ABC uses focuses on family friendly events: workshops, trainings, parties, and rides which incentivize Cully neighbors to choose an active lifestyle.” – Rosaisela Portugal Chocolat, ABC Member

“An active lifestyle helps us and motivates us to use better modes of transportation, take care of the environment, to better our health, and we gain tools to meet new people and share with these new friendships.” – Lucia Llanos Pino, ABC Member

“72nd is the only street that has access to Sacajawea Headstart. Families that attend this school are very afraid to walk or bike due to high density and traffic speeds. 72nd street is very dangerous for young children and their moms. So ABC uses the fun of a family bike ride to show the lack of infrastructure that forbids families to opt for an active transportation lifestyle.” – Rosaisela Portugal Chocolat

“In the active transportation world where the Latina community is not very visible, groups like ABC are very important because they give visibility and voice to a small yet growing population. Latinos are stronger when we stand together!” – Lucia Llanos Pino

“Bike riding is a healthy and great way to be independent. A bike is not a toy, it is a vehicle which is why everyone must follow the rules of the road and be safe while riding in the street.” – Linda Dougherty, We All Can Ride Member

“Youth engagement continues to be a clear need in the community. Thus We All Can Ride continues to offer rides to community members. Last year’s local history and nature ride is a good example of how to use the bike to share and discover history and nature in a fun and engaging way.” – Doug Campbell, We All Can Ride Member

“Through a community partnership with students from PNCA and OCAC, we built a Bike Repair Hub for New Columbia. Now, whenever we open the Hub, 30-50 people immediately line up for repairs.” – Michelle Hanna, We All Can Ride member


To support efforts like ABC and We All Can Ride’s bike rides this summer, please consider making a donation to the Community Cycling Center.




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Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 12PM-6PM. Closed Monday & TuesdayBike Shop Address: 1700 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211

Phone: 503.287.8786